Air Quality

Phoenix, AZ’s Air Quality Experts

Whether you have asthma, suffer from severe allergies, or simply want to be as healthy as possible, clean air is essential for your home or business.

Despite this, many buildings allow harmful particles and diseases to build up in their air, putting everyone inside at risk. Only by regularly assessing the quality of your air and enhancing indoor filtration and ventilation can you keep your air healthy and safe. Alien Air Conditioning & Heating offers comprehensive air quality services for both residential and commercial clients. Operating throughout the Phoenix metropolitan area, we address air issues both large and small, allowing all our customers to breathe freely.

Poor indoor air quality is an epidemic affecting most of the 100 million homes across the United States.

Even with properly sized, high-efficiency HVAC equipment installed professionally, poor indoor air quality can contribute to allergies and cause those living in the home to fall ill. Some of the problems that contribute to poor air quality are caused by poor insulation, where either more insulation is added without sealing the attic floors or not having insulation at all. If the attic floor is not sealed before adding new insulation, this creates a break in the thermal boundary between the conditioned and unconditioned space. At Alien Air Conditioning & Heating, we take a comprehensive approach to air quality and leave no stone unturned when evaluating your air quality system and insulation.

The moment you request our assistance, we will get to work on:

  • Air Quality Inspections – The first step to shoring up air quality is to test your air for mold spores, dust, smoke and other harmful particles. Not only does this let us know the overall quality of your air, but it also allows us to pinpoint specific issues. Once we know the particular nature of the problem, we can eliminate it quickly and effectively.
  • HVAC Enhancements – Air quality issues are often tied to your home’s air conditioning and ventilation system. For example, if the filters in your HVAC system have become dirty, they will spread harmful particles throughout your home. By cleaning or changing such filters, we can put a sudden stop to air quality problems. Likewise, when your ventilation system fails to circulate air adequately, it allows moisture to build up in your home, increasing the risk of a mold outbreak. We evaluate your ventilation systems and keep the air free of mold spores.
  • Ongoing Monitoring – Once we have repaired your HVAC system, we continue to monitor the air quality. If it improves, that suggests that we have addressed the root of the problem. If it doesn’t improve or even gets worse, we know to look for other sources of poor air quality.

Never underestimate the importance of air quality to your home or business. While you may not notice air issues in the short run, they will take a toll on your health, gradually increasing your risk of asthma and other breathing issues. For the sake of your family, your employees and your own well-being, trust Alien Air Conditioning & Heating to examine and enhance your air quality.

We work with all manufacturer brands, including:

alien ac logos

For more information on our indoor air quality services or to request service, contact Alien Air Conditioning & Heating today!