Attic Dams and Unit Barriers

Attic Dams and Unit Barriers

Attic Dams and Unit Barriers

When it comes to insulating your attic in Phoenix, ensuring that your insulation stays right where it should be is crucial. Attics often house air handlers with trays underneath and have hatches for attic space access. Without the right precautions, insulation can end up in places where you don’t want it to be.

The Attic Hatch Nightmare: Imagine this scenario: you open your attic hatch, ready to access your attic space, and suddenly, a cascade of insulation falls right on top of you. It’s not just an inconvenience; it’s itchy and annoying. This is where attic dams come into play.

The Air Handler Conundrum: Air handlers are another common fixture in attics. Without proper insulation management, blown insulation can find its way into areas that block the air handler’s operation. This can lead to improper functioning and potentially costly repairs. This is why we recommend Unit Barriers

The Power of Attic Dams and Unit Barriers: Attic dams and unit barriers act as barriers that keep insulation in its designated areas, preventing mishaps and ensuring your attic remains comfortable and functional. They are simple yet effective solutions to common attic insulation challenges.

See It in Action: In the image provided, you can observe the use of attic dams. At the attic hatch entrance, a dam is strategically placed to prevent insulation from showering down when the hatch is moved. Behind the dam, there’s a small pink line encircling the air handler. This is another dam, meticulously placed to safeguard the air handler from intrusive insulation and keep it operating smoothly.

Attic dams and unit barriers are two products that can help prevent ice dams and water damage in your attic.

An attic dam is a barrier installed along the eaves of your roof. It helps prevent melted snow from running down the roof and refreezing at the eaves, forming an ice dam. Attic dams are typically made of foam or plastic and can be installed by a professional or a DIYer.

A unit barrier is a type of insulation that is installed along the top of your attic walls. It helps to prevent warm air from rising into the attic and melting snow on the roof. Unit barriers are typically made of fiberglass or cellulose and can be installed by a professional or a DIYer.

If you live in Phoenix, consider installing an attic dam and a unit barrier to help protect your home from ice dams and water damage.

Conclusion: Prioritize Proper Attic Insulation Proper attic insulation in Phoenix is not just about adding insulation; it’s about ensuring it stays in the right places. Attic dams in Phoenix are an essential part of this equation, preventing unexpected mishaps and ensuring your insulation serves its purpose effectively.

If you’re considering attic insulation or have any questions about optimizing your attic’s insulation, feel free to reach out to us. We’re here to help you create a comfortable and energy- efficient home.

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